Internal Complaint Committee


As per the guidelines of the UGC, NAAC and the Supreme Court an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell (ASHC) also known as Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) has been established by Furkating College to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the Staff and students of the college. Internal Complaint Committee is set up as per the Vishakha guideline.The cell has well-developed guidelines and norms for a policy to uphold zero tolerance towards sexual harassment. The College has entrusted the task of developing principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment to this cell. The Cell promotes measures aimed at achieving gender equality ,removal of gender bias or discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender–based violence by organising awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefit of all the members of the college. Following is the detail guideline of the Cell.

Composition of Anti- Sexual Harassment Cell/ Internal Complaint Committee:
1. The Committee shall be headed by the Vice Principal of the college who shall be designated as the “Chairperson’’.
2. The Cell shall have three senior women faculty of the college, one senior male faculty of the college, one woman from non-teaching staff and three nominated girl student representatives.
3. The Committee shall have the Principal as a representative from the Management.
4. The Committee shall include the IQAC Co-Ordinator as a member of the Cell.
5. The committee shall include at least three parents of female students of the college.

The objectives of the committee are:
a. Prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women,by promoting gender amity among students and employees.
b. To ensure a harassment-free environment for all those who are studying or working in the institution.
c. To address any harassment complaint.
d. To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college.
e. To ensure overall wellbeing of students and staff of the college.
f. To organize gender sensitization awarenessprogrammes.
g. To organize gender related legal awareness programmes.

1.Organize awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefits of all members of the college on sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.
2.Conduct formal inquiry and investigate and take decisions upon each complaint and  recommend appropriate punishment or action to be taken,by the appropriate authority,in each instance.
3.Receive and redress complaints from any member of the college(including students,b staff, hostel residents and outsiders on college premises) alleging sexual harassment by another member(s) of the college.
4.Ensure that all information pertaining either to complaints registered and the proceedings and findings of any inquiries and /or investigations are kept strictly  confidential.

1.The Committeeshall have the power to summon witnesses and call for documents or any information from any employee/student.
2.The Committeeshall have the power to recommend the action to be taken against any person found guilty of

(a) sexually harassing the complaint;

(b) retaliating against/victimizing the complaint or any other person before it; and

(c) making false charges of sexual harassment against the accused person.
3. The Committee shall keep the link with the “District Women Forum”, Golaghat. It will take help in case of any critical position.
4.The Committee shall have the power to issue interim directions to/ with regards to any person participating in the proceedings before it.

Preventive Steps:
It will be the endeavor of the committee:
1.To facilitate a safe environment that is free of sexual harassment.
2.To promote behaviour that creates an atmosphere that ensures gender equality and equal opportunities.

Remedial steps:
1.To ensure that the mechanism for registering complaints is safe, accessible and sensitive.
2.To take cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment,conduct enquires, provide assistance and redressal to the victims, recommend penalties and take action against the harasser, if necessary.
3. To advise the competent authority to issue warnings or take the help of the law to stop the harasser, if the complainant consents.
4. To seek medical, police and legal intervention with the consent of the complainant.
5. To make arrangements for appropriate psychological, emotional and physical support (in form of counselling, security and other assistance) to the victim if so desires.
In recent years, participation of women in education has increased. However, women entering in education sector as students, teachers or administrative staff often face  biases or barriers and it is not surprising that sexual harassment is one of those barriers.Sexual Harassment is regarded as the violation of women’s right to dignity and equality. It is known that ensuring safety of girl students tends to have positive impact on their educational attainment. On the other hand, when women faculties and staff in educational institutions are safe and secure, it can enhance their productivity. Furkating College, through its Anti- Sexual Harassment Cell ensures the prevention of Sexual Harassment as well as creates awareness on this matter among the students  and other staff. In order to provide a safe and protective educational and working environment, Furkating College mainly focuses on involvement of each and every individual of the institution in prohibition and prevention of Sexual Harassment.

Name of the Member Official Designation and Department Phone Number Designation of the committee
Ms. Indira Gogoi Vice Principal  9435515241 Chairperson
Dr. Apurba Saikia Principal 9435154761 Member from the Management
Ms. Dipanjali Mudoi Associate professor Deptt. Of Economics 7399212516 Member from the teaching staff
Ms. Lakhya Das  AssistantProfessor Deptt. Of Assamese Member from the teaching staff
Mrs. Rupali Dutta External member External member
Ms. Mandakini Nath Member of the Office Staff 8399801984 Member from the office staff
Mr. Pradip Dutta Gurdian Representative 8133089559 Member
Mr. Abhijit Changmai Gurdian Representative 8638899334 Member
Ms. Himashree Bora Student Represntative U2003501361768 Student
Ms. Ankita Saikia Student Represntative U2003501644003 Student
Karisma Gogoi Gurdian Representative 9365047921 Member
Barsha Saikia Students Representetive U200351073297 Students