Department of Sociology, Furkating College was introduced in 1994 both in the Higher Secondary and Degree level .In the year 2008 the deptt. Received Govt. Concurrence from the Higher Education Deptt. Govt . Of Assam vide letter no AHE /455/2008 /44.
At present the deptt. has 271 Nos. Of Higher Secondary students,203 Nos. Of Degree students , 66Nos of Major students.
The Major and general students conducted survey and field work every Semester regularly.

MA, MSW, Phd
Department : SOCIOLOGY
Contact No. : 9435354771
Ms kakumoni Saikia

Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Department : SOCIOLOGY
Contact No. :
E-Mail :
Ms Kumkum Ramsiary

Department : SOCIOLOGY
Contact No. :
E-Mail :
The result of Higher secondary in the 2018-19 is 93.63%. and of Degree General 94% and Major 1st best 100 % . 6 nos .of students amongst the major 1ST Batch students got position within 20.
Snigdha Rani Gogoi 1st class 7th (2020)
Gitashree Tamuli 1st class 2nd .(2019)
Chaymoni Turi 1st class 6th position. (2019)
Rashmi Chutia 1st class 11th position
Mouchami Hazarika 1st class 18th position
Kumkum Ramchairy 1st class 19th position
Munu Gowala 1st class 19th position .
In H.S. level MONISHA BORAH stood 9th position in this year and she has secured Highest Marks in Sociology 97% in the State under AHSEC .
Department of Sociology
Programme Specific Outcomes (POS)
B.A. (Sociology)
- The programme seeks to develop in students the sociological knowledge and skills that will enable them to think critically and imaginatively about society and social issues.
- Better understanding of real life situation. The ability to apply sociological concepts and theories to the real world and ultimately to their everyday lives.
- Develop sociological understanding .The ability to demonstrate sociological understanding of social phenomena.
- Professional and career opportunities. Students will have the opportunity to join professional careers in sociology and allied fields.
- Students of sociology stream have to work beyond the class room boundary at the time of field study activities. As a result good communication skill develops while interacting with local people.
Course Outcomes (Cos)
B.A. sociology (core)
CO 1: Introduction to Sociology
Objective: The mandate of the course is to introduce the discipline to students from diverse trainings and capabilities. The course is intended to introduce the students to a sociological way of thinking.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, students would be able to explain social facts and society related concepts .They would be in a position to define and exemplify social facts.
Co 2: Sociology of India
Objective: This course introduces the processes and modes of construction of knowledge of India. Further, it aims to draw attention to the key concepts and institutions which are useful for the understanding of Indian society.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, the learners will be in a position to understand major social institutions like marriage, family, kinship, religion, caste and their important role in the society.
Semester 2
CO 3: Introduction to sociology II
Objective: The course aims to provide a general introduction to sociological thought. The focus is on studying from the original texts to give the students a flavour of how over a period of time thinkers have conceptualized various aspect of society.
Outcome: Students would be in a position to think critically about various aspects from thinkers point of view.
CO 4: Sociology of India II
Objective: This course aims to draw attention to the variety of ideas and debates about India. Further it critically engages with the multiple socio-political forces and ideologies which shape the terrain of the nation.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, analytical thinking of the student will grow about various aspects of society.
Semester 3
CO 5: Political Sociology
Objective: This course introduces the students to major theoretical debates and concepts in political; sociology, while situating these within contemporary political issues.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, comparative understanding of political relationships through themes such as power, governance and state and society relationship will grow.
CO 6: Sociology of Religion
Objective: The course lays primacy to the understanding of religious over individual religions. Drawing heavily from classical writings on the subject it reinforces importance of the positions developed in these texts.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, the learners shall in a position to understand linkage between social and religious aspects.
CO 7: Sociology of Gender
Objective: The course introduces gender as a critical sociological lens of enquiry in relation to various social fields.
Outcome: After end of these course , students will be able to practice sociological research methods and use critical thinking skills to analyse how gender is socially constructed and controlled.
Semester 4
CO 8: Economic Sociology
Objective: The course provides an understanding of the social and cultural bases of economic activity.
Outcome: This course highlights the significance of sociological analysis for the study of economic processes in local and global contexts.
CO 9: Sociology of Kinship
Objective: This course aims to introduce general principles of kinship and marriage by reference to key terms and theoretical statement by ethnographers.
Outcome: Kinship decides who can marry with whom and where marital relationships are taboo. Study of kinship is important because it determines a cultures world view of society.
C0 10: Social Stratification
Objective: This course introduces students to sociological study of social inequalities.
Outcome: It acquaints students with principle theoretical perspectives on and diverse forms of social inequality in articulation with each other.