Department of Political Science(PG)

Department of Political Science(PG)


Head of the Department

Mr. Jatin Mech-Chairman
Internal Members Dr. Prakash Basumatary

Mr. Biswajyoti Gogoi

Mr. Jadumoni Borah

Ms. Monisha Bora

Ms. Archi Dass


Academic Council Nominee

Dr. Ankita Baruah

Asstt Prof

Assam Women’s University, Jorhat


Ms. Ritamoni Gogoi

Asstt Prof

Birangana Sati SadhaniRajyik Vishwavidyalaya, Golaghat



Vice Chancellor Nominee

Dr. Bolin Hazarika

Retd HoD, Deptt of Political Science

JB College (Autonomous), Jorhat


Representative from Industry/Corporate Sector

Mr. Bhismajeet Changmai

Manager, Furkating Tea Estate



Alumni of the College


Mr. Sarat Gogoi